Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The start of my journey.

Today is 3 March 2011. It's been 6 days since I had my gastric bypass surgery. I'm feeling much better, but I still get dizzy and depressed when I'm not on my pain meds. I'm really hoping this ends soon. I've lost 10lbs. so far, and I'm already seeing the changes in my body. My double chin is smaller, my waist is smaller, etc. I have no appetite for eating, but I'm still craving food. I'm not hungry at all, but I know I should be, so my body's still craving the junk. I haven't talked to my husband in a week. He's at JRTC in Fort Polk, about 10 minutes away from my hometown. Kinda cool! I miss his voice, his touch, everything. I can't wait for him to come home. Especially since I've lost 20lbs. since the last time he saw me. It should prove to be a good reunion. (; My daughter, Myracle, has been staying with my mom and sister while I'm healing. I get to see her everyday, but I still miss her. She's my sleeping buddy when Roberto's gone. So now, our poor dog is having to be my sleeping buddy, lol. He loves it though. He literally CUDDLES with me.

I decided to start a blog about my weight loss and deployment journey. My husband will be deploying to Iraq in May. This will be our first deployment. I got roux-en-y gastric bypass 2 months before he'll actually be deploying. So, that in itself is exciting. By the time he comes home, I'll be at LEAST 100lbs. smaller. Can you imagine that reunion. (; I've decided once I lost 50lbs, I'm going to purchase either P90X or Insanity. I'm still debating on which one to get, because I'll be so new to the exercise process. But I don't want to lose over 100lbs. and be flabby.

Well, I guess that's it for today. Thanks for reading! (: