Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today has been a bad day. I think there's no way I could miss my husband more, then something happens, like a song comes on or I see something that reminds me of him, and I lose it. I miss him so much, it's physically painful. I'm tired of hurting. I'm tired of being exhausted because I can't sleep without him. I'm tired of having to wipe tears from Myracle's eyes because she misses her daddy so much. I'm tired of it all. I just want him HOME!

I've lost a total of 70lbs since March, and 50lbs since my husband last saw me. I send him pictures, but there's a HUGE difference.. and besides, doesn't the camera add 10lbs? ;) He's not going to know what to do with himself when he sees me for the first time in months, and I'm down 70 or 80 pounds. WOW! I can't wait to see his face on that day. I can't wait to see his face anyway, but for THAT particular reason, it's going to be amazing! I only lost 5lbs. while I was on vacation, but that's more than I thought I had lost. I'm losing more inches than anything now. That's fine with me.. my clothes are looking awesome on me. It's really fun going shopping with my mom, and we fight over a shirt because we can both fit into it. It's been so long since I felt like a normal human being while going shopping. If I weren't going to Walmart in the plus size section, I just wore old clothes. I can shop at the mall now... not for pants, yet, my hips are still too big lol, but for shirts, definitely!!! :) I can't wait until I can get a pair of jeans from the mall (I don't care what store), and they FIT comfortably and look good.

I'm signing Myracle up for dance and gymnastics. She's so excited! She keeps telling everyone that she's a by-your-ee-na (ballerina). Then, she shows off her awesome ballerina skills, lifting up one leg and putting her hands over her head!! :) She's definitely making this deployment easier for me, in some respects. Things like that make me smile. Other times when she misses Roberto so much, it's so much harder on me than if it were just me missing me. But at least, I have her. I can't imagine how he feels being there without us. :(

Please keep my husband, my family, and all our military men and women in your thoughts and prayers!