Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Down another 10!!!!!!

Hello my lovelies..
I'm sorry it's taking so long in between blog posts, but I'm on vacation and all I want to do is forget about my troubles right now.

I'm doing pretty good on the diet. I'm down 65lbs, but I'm at a stand still. That's okay though, because I've lost 65lbs. in 3 months. I think a stand still would be good for me lol. I'm still shrinking though. My waist mostly. We went shopping today, and I wear the same size shirts, actually a little tighter, than my mom. It was SOO exciting! Everyone kept complimenting my waist. It was so nice to hear compliments instead of, "Well, why don't we just try a size up." Oh man, it's so nice to not have those issues anymore.

I'm down quite a few pants sizes.. it just depends on how you want to measure it. I was a 24, now I'm in a 16/18. WOOP WOOP!!! I HAD to get new pants today because my old 18's were falling off of me. SCORE! :)

Roberto's been gone almost 2 months now. It seems like it's been 8 months. I feel so distant from him sometimes. I wish he were home. I didn't realize how hard it was going to be without him. I thought it would be like every other time we'd been apart for a month or so, but knowing that I won't see him for at LEAST another 6 months... SUCKS! Myracle's getting more and more sad about it, too. She wants him home just as badly.. well, almost as badly! ;) I know it's hurting him, also. I agree with the term, "Deployment's suck!" But they do make you grow in certain aspects of your life you didn't think you'd ever grow in, or even think you needed to grow in.

Roberto's birthday's at the end of this month, and I'm trying desperately to think of something to send him, but he won't give me ANY ideas of something he wants, and there's only so many things I can send him. I just wish he were here so I could kiss him... THAT would be an awesome birthday present. Any and ALL ideas are welcome! :)

Please keep my husband and our family in your prayers. :)

Love y'all!!!!

Two weeks after surgery

3.5 months after surgery