Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's coming off.. and fast!

I have now lost 32lbs. I couldn't be happier with that number! It hasn't been 7 weeks since I had the surgery, and I'm already down 32lbs. I have learned that the more I eat, the more I lose. I'm sure it sounds weird, but I think my body goes into starvation mode when I don't eat as much. For a while there, I tried to eat as little as possible because I thought it would help me lose the weight. Now I eat when I'm hungry (which is more often than I thought was possible after having gastric bypass), and I eat until I'm full. That doesn't take long either, lol. Most people's meals would consist of a meat, potato (or two), vegetable, possibly some bread.. at least that's what mine used to be like. Last night, I made a small potato with cheese and butter and ate about a quarter of the entire thing before I was stuffed. It was such a great feeling to be so full after so little. 

Since I'm losing weight now, my next goal is to start working out on a regular basis. I've been so lax where the working out part is concerned, and I know that's one of the most important parts to this whole process. I don't want to lose 100lbs and be saggy. EWWW! So, my goal is to walk at LEAST for 30 minutes at the track a day. I'll be able to work on my tan, too! SCORE!!! 

Welp, it's down to the wire. He'll be gone before next weekend. I "think" I'm handling it okay. I haven't cried uncontrollably for a few days. Thank God because that was getting old.. FAST! I know Roberto hated it, too! He was sweet about it though, and tried to be comforting, as much as he could. I think he's excited about going. Since this is his first deployment and all. He's been in 6 years, and this is his first. We were so blessed to be able to be together for so long before our first deployment. I think in some ways it was amazing, and in others it made this harder. We still haven't told Myracle, and I'm stressing over how to tell her. We did get her those recordable books. That way Roberto could read to her anytime. I think I'll be listening to it more than her, lol. 

I'm gonna go to the track, I think! ;) 

This picture was taken 3 days after my surgery.

This picture was taken last week (sorry it's blurry). 6 weeks after surgery. I've lost another 7lbs since this picture.

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